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09-06-04 09:54
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Evan Grant of D Magazine
 reports that the Rangers have placed Vicente Padilla on outright waivers. The righty makes $12MM this year and the Rangers have the option of paying him the same amount in 2010 or buying him out for $1.75MM.

Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports also hears that Padilla has been put on outright waivers. Padilla's "history of moodiness and inconsistency" works against the Rangers, writes Rosenthal. Hitting Mark Teixeira twice last night can't have helped Padilla's reputation.

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According to Dejan Kovacevic of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the Braves acquired Nate McLouth from the Pirates today.  Dave O'Brien of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution says the Braves are sending three prospects to the Pirates for him.'s Mark Bowman names them: starters Jeff Locke and Charlie Morton and center fielder Gorkys Hernandez.

McLouth is signed through 2011 with a 2012 club option on an extension agreed to in February.  This is probably not what he had in mind upon signing the deal, but the Pirates couldn't resist.  Morton is big league ready, while Locke and Hernandez, also highly regarded, are further off.

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According to Ken Rosenthal of FOX Sports the Braves have released Tom Glavine. Glavine signed an incentive-laden deal with the Braves this winter that could have paid him as much as $4.5MM. He would have received a $1MM bonus for making the team. Glavine had just finished rehabbing and had proclaimed himself ready for big league action.
We heard today that Glavine doesn't expect to play in 2010, but his career could be over sooner than that. Ironically, his release comes on the same day fellow-lefty Randy Johnson makes his first attempt at joining Glavine in the 300 win club.

David Lennon of Newsday tweets that the Mets are not considering bringing Glavine back.  Also, word via radio reports is that Tommy Hanson will come up to start Saturday.  That's Kris Medlen's turn, but he's not in the Nate McLouth deal.

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Upon returning to the Yankees rotation, Chien-Ming Wang is scheduled to start Thursday against the Rangers.

The Yanks will push C.C. Sabathia back to Friday. Wang will be on a 75-80 pitch-count in his first start back in the rotation. Said manager Joe Girardi, "I believe he's ready to go. I don't know how much better you can throw than the last five innings he's thrown."

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220 Æ®·¹ÀÌµå ·ç¸Ó°¡ ½½½½ ³ª¿À°í ÀÖ´Â MLB °ü·Ã ¼Ò½Äµé [7] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ [KC 23]½ÅÀÌÄ¡ 05-26 5034 0
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214 [MIL]¹ä¸ÀÀÌ ¾ø³×¿ä... [11] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ LionHeart 05-19 4310 0
213 [MIN] ÇѴܰ辿 ½Â°Ý½ÃÄ×À¸¸é ÇÏ´Â À¯¸ÁÁÖµé [10] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ JoeMauer 05-18 3544 0
212 ¿À´Ã °æ±â¿¡¼­ ÀλóÀûÀÎ Àå¸é 2°³. [3] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ J-Won 05-18 3327 0
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