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Yankees sign Chan Ho Park

7:41 AM, February 22, 2010 ¥é By Joel Sherman


TAMPA -- The Yankees saw a good deal and – budget or not budget – could not resist it.

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Late Sunday night the Yankees came to agreement on a $1.2 million contract with Chan Ho Park with $300,000 possible in incentives, The Post has learned. The Yankees are not officially announcing the deal because it is pending a physical and Park was in South Korea when the accord was reached. Thus, the Yankees expect it will take several days for the 36-year-old righty to join spring training.

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The Yankees view Park strictly as a reliever, and not part of the battle for the fifth starter¡¯s job.

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Essentially, the Yankees had $2 million remaining in their budget when Randy Winn was signed for a $1.1 million. But as Park¡¯s price kept falling, Yankees GM Brian Cashman continued to lobby ownership to expand the payroll because the organization viewed Park as one of the top relievers on the market.

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And when the price fell further over the course of the week, from $1.5 million to $1.2 million, Yankees ownership finally approved the signing. Park had rejected a $3.25 million offer to stay in Philadelphia in the middle of the offseason, and his price has been steadily falling since then. The Cubs were among the teams hoping to sign him recently.

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The Yankees had traded Brian Bruney at the Winter Meetings because they felt he would be overpaid. He lost in arbitration last week and was awarded $1.5 million. The Yanks view Park as far superior to Bruney, which was another reason the $1.2 million price tag was too hard to ignore.

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This signing likely puts even more pressure on Cashman, however, to trade either Chad Gaudin ($2.95 million) or Sergio Mitre ($850,000) to bring down the payroll more to ownership¡¯s liking.

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The Yankees see Park deepening what they already considered a strong bullpen. Mariano Rivera, David Robertson, Damaso Marte, Alfredo Aceves and the loser of the Joba Chamberlain vs. Phil Hughes fifth starter battle and now Park are pretty much guaranteed pen roles. The Yanks would love to see Boone Logan assume the other role to give Joe Girardi a second lefty in tandem with Marte.

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Even with the signing of Park, the Yanks are not currently considering sending the loser of the Chamberlain-Hughes battle to the minors to stay stretched out as a starter. But the presence of Park, at the least, can make the Yanks more comfortable with that option. Remember that in their best-laid plans, the Yanks imagine both Chamberlain and Hughes in their 2011 rotation, which would be easier if both stayed stretched out this year.

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Park had been on the Yankees¡¯ radar for the past two years, but he really left a positive impression by throwing 3 1-3 shutout innings over four appearances in last year¡¯s World Series. As a reliever, the Yankees noticed, Park¡¯s stuff played up; his fastball reached 96 mph and his curveball remained crisp. The Yanks also liked that Park had a reputation as a good teammate who works hard to stay in shape. In addition, he has been in the playoffs each of the past two seasons, for Joe Torre¡¯s Dodgers in 2008 and for the Phillies last year.

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Park was 3-3 with a 4.43 ERA last year in 45 appearances, including seven starts. But his ERA as strictly a reliever was 2.52.

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