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Mailbag: Measuring the Jacobs Effect

08-11-04 13:02
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Mailbag: Measuring the Jacobs Effect reporter Dick Kaegel answers Royals fans' queries

With Mike Jacobs coming to town, I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering who is in and who is out at the first-base position for 2009.
-- Zach C., Lee's Summit, Mo.

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Jacobs, obtained from the Marlins in the trade for reliever Leo Nunez, is a hot topic this week. My read on it is this: This is just the first of a series of moves that general manager Dayton Moore will make. Obviously, he didn't think that the Royals would be winning a division title next season with Ross Gload, Ryan Shealy, Billy Butler or Kila Ka'aihue at first base.

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Depth at the position gives Moore trade options with all four of those guys, and Butler, who can just flat-out hit, is probably the most attractive at present. Gload could kick up interest as a utility man and Shealy's big September could give him some value. The Royals feel Ka'aihue needs more time at Triple-A, but he could be a tradeable prospect.

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Jacobs needs to upgrade his defensive play, but Moore obviously feels his power offsets any shortcomings there. If Butler is not dealt, of course, he figures again as the designated hitter. Right-handed Butler and Jacobs, a lefty swinger, offer platoon flexibility at first or DH. Moore cites statistics that show Shealy, although a strong righty hitter, has not handled left-handed pitchers all that well in his career (he improved this year, however). Gload has shown little power -- although he's strong defensively. Right now, looking to '09, it seems as though Gload, Shealy and Ka'aihue are closer to being out than in.

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When Moore acquired Jacobs, he mentioned that he played in a big ballpark. What are the dimensions of Florida's stadium compared to Kauffman Stadium? Can we expect him to keep his production numbers?
-- Dennis C., Olathe, Kan.

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Dolphin Stadium is a healthy 345 feet down the right-field line, so it's a good shot for left-handed batters like Jacobs. It's 385 in the power alleys, 434 to center and 330 down the left-field line with a 26 1/2-foot high wall. (The other walls are eight feet high.)

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The Kauffman dimensions are 330 down each line, 390 in the power alleys and 410 to center. The walls are eight feet high.

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Jacobs addressed the spacious-size issue by saying if you're a home-run hitter, you can hit 'em anywhere. Last year, of his 32 homers, 14 came at Dolphin Stadium and, according to's hitting charts, 11 went over the fence in right or right-center field.

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Of his 69 homers in three years for the Marlins, more than half (36) came at home. So there's no reason to think he'll suffer in KC.

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Would the Royals be interested in acquiring Ivan Rodriguez as the starting catcher?
-- Cody C., Cassville, Mo.

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Rodriguez's best years are behind him at age 37 and after 18 seasons. The Tigers were quite willing to part with him last season, and he contributed very little after joining the Yankees. Pudge just doesn't fit.
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Next season, will Joakim Soria be a starter or the closer?
-- Frank G., Obregon, Mexico

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Soria will be the closer.

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The Royals know they need a corner outfielder with pop, and the Rockies have made Matt Holliday available. What would the Royals have to do to get him, and would it be worth it?
-- Clint D., Grand Junction, Colo.

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Holliday has some attractive stats, averaging 26 home runs, 97 RBIs and .319 in his five seasons with the Rockies. To get him, the Royals would probably have to give up a replacement outfielder such as David DeJesus or Mark Teahen and pitching, although they're not likely to surrender the "impact" pitcher -- such as Zack Greinke -- the Rockies seek.

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A couple of factors to consider: Holliday has a $13.5 million contract for 2009 and can become a free agent after the season. Extend his contract? Well, his agent is Scott Boras. Another thing is that of his 128 career homers, just 44 have come on the road, with 84 at high-altitude Coors Field. He's batted .357 with 309 RBIs at Coors and .280 with 176 RBIs on the road. So, in contrast to Jacobs' history, you have to wonder how Holliday would do with the heavier air and distant fences at Kauffman Stadium.

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In a recent mailbag, you said that Mike Moustakas had been switched from shortstop to third base. If I'm not mistaken, the Royals already have Alex Gordon sitting pretty at third right now. How would that work out? Are they planning on trading either one in the near future?
-- Dan K., Lakewood, Colo.

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This question keeps coming up. For one thing, an organization can never be too deep at any position. For another, Gordon has not yet unequivocally proved he's the permanent answer at third base. For another, Moustakas has only played one full season -- and that at low Class A.

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Who knows how long it will take Moustakas to be ready for the Majors? Who can say what will happen with Gordon in the next year or two? You cannot assume anything in this game. That's why it's vital to have depth and options. And, no, I doubt that either one of them will be traded anytime soon.

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Dick Kaegel is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs.

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